PensionBox Blogs
Do You Know About TDS On Salary: Section 192
Remy Sharp
Vaishnavi Verma
  • March 21, 2024
  • Tax tips
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    Blog Related Questions

    How is TDS on Salary calculated under Section 192?TDS on Salary is calculated based on the employee's income, exemptions, deductions, and the applicable tax slab rates. Employers use the income details provided by employees to calculate the TDS amount as per the rates specified in Section 192. Addit
    What are the responsibilities of employers and employees regarding TDS on Salary under Section 192?Employers are responsible for deducting TDS on Salary as per the rates specified in Section 192 and depositing the deducted amount with the government within the stipulated time frame. They must also provide Form 16 to employees, which details the TD

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