PensionBox Blogs
Income Tax Slabs FY 2023-24 and AY 2024-25
Remy Sharp
Vaishnavi Verma
  • April 15, 2024
  • Tax tips
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    Blog Related Questions

    What's the Difference Between Old and New Tax Regimes?The Old and New Tax Regimes have different income tax rates, exemptions, and deductions. If you don't choose either, your taxes will be calculated under the New regime by default. The Old regime offers more deductions, while the New regime has lower tax rates but fewer deductions.
    How Do I Choose Between Old and New Tax Regimes?Decide based on your financial situation and preferences. The Old regime might benefit those who can claim more deductions, while the New regime might be simpler for those with fewer deductions. Remember, if you don't choose, you'll be under the New regime automatically.

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